How can I make Rs 40 lakhs in a month by doing anything?

Alright, let’s break it down step by step. Remember, it’s important to start small and learn along the way. We have a total of 24 weeks to achieve our goal of 25 lacs (2.5 million).


Step 1: Start with freelancing. You can choose any work you feel comfortable with, like teaching or referring apps to earn money. Take one week to explore different options and earn around 4-5k.


Step 2: Use the money you earned and try trading. It can be as simple as buying vegetables at a lower price and selling them at a higher price. Keep doing this for two weeks and aim to earn around 15-20k.


Step 3: Hire two people who will repeat Step 2 for you. Pay them 5k each. Meanwhile, you can go back to freelancing (Step 1) for another two weeks. Expect to earn around 50k during this time.


Step 4: Hire three more people and continue with the trading (Step 2). You repeat freelancing (Step 1). Do this for two weeks and aim to earn around 1 lakh.


Step 5: Hire five more people and continue with the trading (Step 2). You continue freelancing (Step 1). This time, do it for four weeks and aim to earn around 2.5 lacs (250k).


Step 6: Hire fifteen more people and continue with the trading (Step 2). You continue freelancing (Step 1). Spend four weeks doing this and aim to earn around 5.5 lacs (550k).


Congratulations! Now you have a workforce of 25 people, running a successful trading business, and you’ve gained valuable experience.


Step 7: Let your team continue working while you invest 3 lacs (300k) in building a scalable technology platform. Work closely with the tech team to ensure your knowledge and experience are reflected in the platform. Spend four weeks on this and aim to earn around 5 lacs (500k).


Step 8: Let your team continue working while you invest 1.5 lacs (150k) to hire a consultant. Prepare a business plan and meet potential investors to secure a deal. This process will take four weeks, and you can aim to earn around 5 lacs (500k).


Possible investment: You may need an investment of around 1 crore (10 million) to support the growth of your business.


Step 9: In the last week, celebrate your achievements and give me a call. You’ve come a long way!


By the end of this exercise, your total earnings will be 22 lacs (2.2 million), and you’ll have garnered potential investments of 1+ crore (10+ million). The experience and knowledge you’ve gained along the way are priceless.

Remember, this plan is based on learning, using technology, and executing your skills effectively. Good luck on your journey!


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